The Weapons Of Our Warfare
Seminar in Harrow, England

By Sue Connors
South Harrow, England


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus from South Harrow. When I was asked if I would write a little piece about the Weapons Of Our Warfare class held in Harrow over the first two weekends in April, I jumped at the idea. Loads of thoughts came to mind, but the more I thought about it and what I could write, the more trepidation crept in. I started it, put it off, thought about it...

One of the things in the class that I wrote in bold letters in my notes was “DUMP EXCUSES NOW!” Well here goes!

This was my fourth time sitting the class. This was a shorter version, but again like the other times it was so different. God spoke to me as He did to many of us, touching those areas of our lives only He knew needed touching and addressing.

We were a small class of eleven with a few extras popping in for some of the sessions, people who’d sat through the class before. Of the eleven, it was the first time for seven. One of those was my son Ashley, who is nearly 19. Only three months ago he was still so caught up in the world. Talk about a new creation! Before my very eyes, I saw this transformation, this hunger, this desire to know more and to understand as much as possible. God truly is a God of miracles.

I am sure that all those others who took this class for the first time came away in awe of all that was set before them, as did those of us who had already taken it. When the Lord called Tim to teach, He knew very well what He was doing, choosing someone who had lived very much in the world, and had experienced many things from all aspects of life. In his classes he can recall so many areas of his life that relate to a particular teaching (even though at times he might digress, it is what makes the classes so enjoyable). But having sat the class before, I can tell that Tim has changed. I cannot put my finger on it. The word that comes to mind is serene.

I believe it has come about by the grace of God. As the doors to Africa have opened up, many a great story was told about his trips. One that I recall that has helped me is the story of the coming of age for a Maasai warrior. He has to go out and kill a lion by himself with just a big knife, to show that he is a man. He has to go right up to the lion and confront it, ready to attack without showing fear. Then when he has achieved that, he is not alone for the rest of the warriors are there behind him.

It made it very real to me that we must have faith and walk in it always for God will be with us. If we keep pretending and making excuses, He will not do anything for we are not trusting in Him. God has given us weapons to use, to strengthen us, to get closer to Him, to reach out to others and to make Him known to the world. These are gifts we should not reject or misuse. So let us all put on our armour, strengthened with our weapons, covered by the cloak of humility.


From the May 2005 edition of the Vine & Branches